Here are some practical tips to help you sell your property faster and at a better price.

Start with the entrance area
The buyer creates the initial impression immediately when entering the land of a family house, entering an apartment building or when entering an apartment. The entrance and the surroundings of the entrance part can attract or discourage the buyer. Even if you cannot fully influence the impression of the apartment building's surroundings, you can at least partially eliminate negative feelings, for example by restricting the potential buyer staying in a dirty or otherwise neglected environment for an unnecessarily long time.
In the case of a family house, you can influence the effect of the entrance to a greater extent. Walk down the street and analyze what would discourage you as a buyer from buying. It is usually a problem to correctly identify the shortcomings, so do not hesitate to contact acquaintances to go along with you and help you identify the disruptive elements that need to be removed or at least eliminated as much as possible.
Remove old garden tools, throw away damaged furniture or repair or renovate it. Dried plants will not make the best impression, replace them with new ones and do not be afraid to use the colorful ones and you will see the garden play with colors. It is better to remove the overgrown trees and shrubs, which prevent the buyer from seeing the advantages of your property. If it is not costly, improve the overall appearance of the house and restore the exterior of the facade with a new color or at least repair the damage to the facade and tiles.
Clean the premises
The key meaning of a person who influences our perception of real estate is sight. A clean and tidy space does not create stressful situations and allows safe and smooth movement. This simple, but very effective technique of real estate modification before sale brings the desired results. Make general order and shine the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, furniture and appliances.
Get rid of unnecessary things and depersonalize spaces
The space, full of furniture and unnecessary things, looks visually reduced, as you know. If possible, remove them. Put away everything that is personal, which "undesirably" unduly space. Magnificent collections of deer antlers or porcelain elephants may not appeal to everyone. It needs to be depersonalized. You are not selling your rare collections or valuable trophies, but ordinary space. Start sorting things out gradually and preparing to download.
Also, do not allow anyone to enter your privacy and therefore feel uncomfortable. The goal is to remove your "seal" from the property and give the space a universal attractiveness that will appeal to most people. Therefore, remove personal items such as family photos, valuables, various diplomas and other things closely related to your person or family. emotional pressure.
Sort and arrange the furniture
Sort, add or arrange the furniture so that the buyer can "enjoy" the space. Many armchairs or cabinet furniture obstruct the view and take away from the space. The buyer wants to see the "square meters" he has to pay for. Do not be afraid to move the excess chair from the living room to an empty room and create e.g. reading corner. Arrange the furniture so that you create the best possible visual impression for the potential applicant.
Give your room a sense
The next step to success is to properly "understand" the space. If you are selling a 3-bedroom apartment, there should be three living rooms. Give the rooms their true meaning so that each room is counted. If the applicant does not see the living room, because it looks more like a study, it is as if the apartment does not even have a living room. Remember that the buyer only believes what he sees, not what this space "wants" to be. Let's think about it. IKEA sells furniture, but how does it sell it? It presents it as a part of furnished model rooms, kitchens, bedrooms. The product will appeal to you sooner if you can imagine it as part of a room. If we were just walking around the warehouse and looking at pictures of the furniture, something would hardly appeal to us.
Brighten the space with colors and light
If you decide to paint the property, soothe the soul when choosing a color. The effect of colors in space can dampen emotions, but also provoke them properly. Choose neutral colors instead. Brighten dark corners and dark rooms with new colors or light. Few people want to live in a gloomy space. The right intensity, color and direction of light can work wonders. The room looks more pleasant if it is illuminated by various independent lights than one large one and hung on a ceiling.
Repair any faults
Repair damaged equipment and anything that would give the buyer a chance to reduce the price. Dripping water, sizzling doors or falling doors on the kitchen counter are not the best mirrors of a good manager. Subconsciously, the buyer can attack what is still damaged and will have to repair it after the purchase. If these are defects that cannot be removed or only costly by repair (or replacement), it is necessary to notify the buyer. He could ask for a reduction in the purchase price after finding a hidden defect.
The next step to success is to properly "understand" the space. If you are selling a 3-bedroom apartment, there should be three living rooms. Give the rooms their true meaning so that each room is counted. If the applicant does not see the living room, because it looks more like a study, it is as if the apartment does not even have a living room. Remember that the buyer only believes what he sees, not what this space "wants" to be. Let's think about it. IKEA sells furniture, but how does it sell it? It presents it as a part of furnished model rooms, kitchens, bedrooms. The product will appeal to you sooner if you can imagine it as part of a room. If we were just walking around the warehouse and looking at pictures of the furniture, something would hardly appeal to us.
Brighten the space with colors and light
If you decide to paint the property, soothe the soul when choosing a color. The effect of colors in space can dampen emotions, but also provoke them properly. Choose neutral colors instead. Brighten dark corners and dark rooms with new colors or light. Few people want to live in a gloomy space. The right intensity, color and direction of light can work wonders. The room looks more pleasant if it is illuminated by various independent lights than one large one and hung on a ceiling.
Repair any faults
Repair damaged equipment and anything that would give the buyer a chance to reduce the price. Dripping water, sizzling doors or falling doors on the kitchen counter are not the best mirrors of a good manager. Subconsciously, the buyer can attack what is still damaged and will have to repair it after the purchase. If these are defects that cannot be removed or only costly by repair (or replacement), it is necessary to notify the buyer. He could ask for a reduction in the purchase price after finding a hidden defect.

Zdroj: brožúra Realitnej únie: " Predaj, kúpa, prenájom nehnuteľnosti",