Content / dates
We can also organize the training at your company, min. number of participants: 5.
If the number of participants is lower, the price for training per participant is higher.
Sign in by email or by phone. We can also arrange the date individually.
We offer you comprehensive training for real estate agents:
Real estate business (recruitment, marketing, communication, sale, lease, etc.), in the range of 1-2 days, in Bratislava / Pezinok,
training price: 90, - Eur / day / participant, i.e. 180, - Eur / 2-day training
The training answers questions related to real estate business.
If the number of participants is lower, the price for training per participant is higher.
Sign in by email or by phone. We can also arrange the date individually.
We offer you comprehensive training for real estate agents:
Real estate business (recruitment, marketing, communication, sale, lease, etc.), in the range of 1-2 days, in Bratislava / Pezinok,
training price: 90, - Eur / day / participant, i.e. 180, - Eur / 2-day training
The training answers questions related to real estate business.
Training The real estate business is intended for a novice broker or a broker with a shorter experience.
We also offer other specialized 1-day trainings:
- Marketing in real estate business
- Recruitment: exclusive and non-exclusive, brokerage contract
- Mortgage advice in the real estate business
- Professional sales of real estate from A to Z
We also offer other specialized 1-day trainings:
- Marketing in real estate business
- Recruitment: exclusive and non-exclusive, brokerage contract
- Mortgage advice in the real estate business
- Professional sales of real estate from A to Z
- Communication (written and oral) in real estate
The price of each 1-day training is 90, - Eur / day / participant
Special training: we offer 5-day training related to practice.
This training combines theory and practice. In the morning part of the day we will have a theoretical part and a practical part in the afternoon (inspections, meetings with specific clients).
Price: 450Eur / 5 days
Ing. Ľubomíra Lacková,
The price of each 1-day training is 90, - Eur / day / participant
Special training: we offer 5-day training related to practice.
This training combines theory and practice. In the morning part of the day we will have a theoretical part and a practical part in the afternoon (inspections, meetings with specific clients).
Price: 450Eur / 5 days
Ing. Ľubomíra Lacková,
CEO with 18 years of real estate experience.
Training time: 9.00 am - 4.30 pm
Take advantage of the exceptional opportunity for comprehensive training in the field of real estate!