Bratislava - Dúbravka
For our VIP client, we are looking for a 1-bedroom (or a smaller 2-bedroom) apartment with a minimum area of 30m2 - 40m2. The apartment should have a balcony. Preferred...
SNP, Ivanka pri Dunaji
We offer you 3-room. brick apartment with garage on ul. SNP in a quiet location, in the center of Ivanka near the Danube, only 10 km from Bratislava.If you...
Jurská, Bratislava - Nové Mesto
We are looking for a 2-bedroom or 3-bedroom apartment for our client to purchase in Bratislava Vinohrady, in the vicinity of Jurská, Pezinská, Horská, Modranská Streets, Bratislava Nové Mesto.Apartment...
Novomeského, Pezinok
Dukelská, Modra